#85 How to Transform the Culture of Your Youth Sports Program with Nate Baldwin, Appleton Parks and Recreation Sports Coordinator
Across the board, youth sports participation rates are dropping and coach retention is extremely low, yet Appleton recreation is seeing an average of 60% increase in participation across its four biggest sports and coach retention is 90%. What are they doing differently? Show Notes 1:00 Nate’s backstory 12:30 If we are in it for the benefit of the kids, most solutions are obvious 16:00 Nate explains how the cultural change came out of the consistent core values 23:00 Appleton’s Core Value #1: Inclusion 30:00 Core Value #2: Intentional Skill Development 39:00 Core Value #3: Family Balance 44:15 Core Value #4: Promoting Lifelong Enjoyment of Sport 56:00 The data behind Appleton’s success Getting in Touch Email: nate.baldwin@appleton.org Twitter: @NBaldwin75 Appleton Facebook Page: www.Facebook.com/AppletonParkRec Appleton Instagram: @Appleton_Park_Rec About Nate Baldwin has been a Recreation Programmer for the City of Appleton Parks a Recreation department since 2014, and has helped lead the revitalization of the department’s youth sports program. By committing to a program philosophy that highlights inclusion, skill development and lifelong enjoyment of sports amongst its core values, APRD youth sports programs have grown by an astonishing 60% since 2014, despite a 10 year national trend of participation decline. In October 2018, the APRD youth sports program was nationally recognized as an inaugural Project Play Champion by the Aspen Institute’s Sports a Society Program. Prior to joining APRD and committing his energy to youth sports, Nate created and managed an adult recreation business in Denver, CO called Western Alternative Sports Association, which in 10 years, went from startup to one of the largest independent recreation providers in the state. Nate co-hosts a monthly segment on WHBY radio in Appleton / Green Bay, WI, discussing local and national youth sports topics, and his work has been featured nationally by John O’Sullivan’s “Changing the Game Project” in 2018, by the Discovery Channel’s “Wreckreation Nation” in 2009, and by the Sports Business Journal in 2008. You can follow Nate on Twitter under the handle @nbaldwin75. Join us at the Future of Coaching Conference! Future of Coaching Conference Registration Page CHECK OUT OUR ONLINE COURSES: Warriors, Not Winners - Want to create gritty, resilient athletes who succeed beyond the game? Purchase Warriors, Not Winners now! Transformational Coaching - Take your Coaching to the Next Level with Transformational Coaching. Become a Transformational Coach Today – If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message! Hosted by John O'Sullivan. Produced by Coach Reed Maltbie