#69 Why more Physical Education and recess are the keys to better students in schools, with Paul Zientarski, TED Speaker and 40-year veteran Physical Education teacher.

What if there was a simple solution to getting better academic performance, reducing discipline problems, and greater engagement of our children at school? There is a simple solution, and instead of adding more of it, we’ve been eliminating it from schools altogether! Paul Zientarski shares how he has transformed school districts by simply adding more PE and recess to the daily schedule.   Enjoy the show!   Show Notes 6:15 40 years and 75 sport seasons - Paul’s depth of knowledge and experience 11:15 We need to put the education back into physical education 15:45 What has to change to make PE relevant again 25:30 Kids need to move based on their attention spans – not sitting for hours 30:15 There is plenty of data to prove PE and recess are vital to learning 38:00 PE also improves discipline 42:45 What is the one thing Paul would change in schools     About Paul Zientarski Paul Zientarski is an Illinois based PE consultant and retired teacher. Paul was inspired when he heard a Harvard professor speak about the positive influence physical activity has on the brain. Paul teamed up with a few like-minded individuals and together they developed the Learning Readiness PE (LEPE) program to prove physical activity has a positive impact on brain function. The Learning Readiness PE Program collects and analyzes data that proves students perform better in a class they are struggling in if they preceded the class with physical activity. The research was a huge breakthrough in what Action for Healthy Kids refers to as The Learning Connection. Stated simply, healthy and active kids learn better. The Program has received worldwide attention and Paul has traveled the country presenting his brain research findings, explaining the effects of fitness and exercise on academic performance. His favorite moments include presenting brain science research to the Illinois Enhance PE Task Force and to the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition. Paul’s investment in the mind body connection goes much deeper than LEPE. He spent forty years as a physical education teacher. “Helping kids lead healthier lives has been a priority of mine for years.” The biggest struggle he’s come across is trying to educate parents on making smart and healthy choices for their kids. As a loving parent and grandparent himself Paul says, “Every parent wants their children to be successful but they haven’t figured out that success and happiness come from children who are healthy.” He won’t stop until his message is heard loud and clear! Fun fact! Paul is co-author of a book titled “What Teenage Driver’s Don’t Know: The Unwritten Rules of the Road.” Get in Touch Twitter: @PaulZientarski Emails: ZCoach47@gmail.com Website: LearningReadinessPE.com TED Talk: https://youtu.be/V81cO8xyMaI   Become a Transformational Coach Today -   Join Us at Way of Champions 2018   Take your Coaching to the Next Level with Transformational Coaching     If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad   Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message!   Hosted by John O'Sullivan. Produced by Coach Reed Maltbie

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