#58 What Are the Most Important Leadership Traits to Teach Young Athletes and Other FAQs with Coach Reed Maltbie and John O’Sullivan
Did you ever just want to quit doing what you are doing? How do you handle someone who sabotages your work? How do you help athletes learn without lecturing all the time? What are your thoughts on coaching licenses? Coach Reed and John tackle these Frequently Asked Questions and more in our most recent podcast. Enjoy the show! Show Notes 1:30 What are some of the best leadership traits? 4:50 Have you ever just wanted to quit and how did you get through it? 9:35 How do you handle someone who openly opposes your style and sabotages you (intentionally or unintentionally) 17:35 How do you help athletes learn without lecturing all the time? 21:05 Who are some of the mentors in your life that have helped you? 25:45 How do you make practices less scripted and involve more decision-making from players? 30:50 How do you approach a sport or coach steeped in traditional methods? 33:35 What do you think of coaching courses and club curriculums? 42:15 How do we make the vision happen? How do we make change? 46:45 Why should I go to the Way of Champions Conference About Coach Reed With master’s degrees in both sports psychology and early childhood education, Coach Reed works with youth coaches, helping them teach athletes how to excel beyond the game. Since the release of his 2015 TEDx talk ‘Echoes Beyond the Game’, he’s become a trusted educator, advisor and speaker to sports organizations all over the world. Coach Reed is a firm believer that youth sport’s ultimate role is to develop excellent people with valuable life skills and strong values. He’s had the honor of working with sports organizations ranging from grassroots to elite level, helping them become more effective at performance-based communication by building champion cultures, and creating warrior mindsets to succeed in and beyond the game. Get in Touch Website to sign up for his forthcoming book - http://coachreed.com/ Facebook Page for his Forthcoming Book: https://www.facebook.com/TheCoachReed/ Twitter:@coach_reed Email: reed@changingthegameproject.com His Podcast: @thecoachingcode / http://coachreed.com/coaching-code/ Become a Transformational Coach Today - Join Us at Way of Champions 2018 Take your Coaching to the Next Level with Transformational Coaching If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message! Hosted by John O'Sullivan. Produced by Coach Reed Maltbie