#56 "Some parents are crazy, but most are just stressed!" Why parent engagement is key to fixing youth sports with Skye Eddy Bruce, Founder of SoccerParenting.com
Are you one of THOSE sports parents? All too often, we lump sports parents into one large category based on the behaviors of a few. Skye Eddy Bruce joins us to explain that not all parents are that way and the key to creating a better sports experience may be found with engaging parents more effectively. Enjoy the show! Show Notes 6:20 Soccer Parenting is the PTA of Youth Soccer 9:00 When a coach should “open the door” and when a coach should “close the door” 14:30 How do coaches establish trust with parents? 26:30 Lessons from The Soccer Parenting Summit 31:45 The four cornerstones of culture 41:30 The fears parents have About Skye Eddy Bruce Skye Eddy Bruce, a former Collegiate and Youth All-American, Professional Player, Collegiate and Youth Coach and Camp Director, the Soccer Parenting Association aims to educate, engage, support and advocate for youth soccer parents. Skye understands there is a lot of room for growth and improvement in the youth game and believes that parents are the missing link when it comes seeing this growth and improvement become a reality. Skye has put together an amazing group of youth soccer and performance experts who regularly participate with MySoccerParenting.com, the Parent Education Platform brought to you by the Soccer Parenting Association (SoccerParenting.com) Get in Touch Twitter: @SoccerParenting Facebook: SoccerParenting Websites: SoccerParenting.com or MySoccerParenting.com Become a Transformational Coach Today - Join Us at Way of Champions 2018 Take your Coaching to the Next Level with Transformational Coaching If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message! Hosted by John O'Sullivan. Produced by Coach Reed Maltbie