#54 How Desirable Difficulties Help Our Children Succeed in Sports and Life with Jessica Lahey, Author of The Gift of Failure
Are we robbing our kids of valuable self-directed executive function when we solve everything for them and don’t let them make mistakes? This is a valuable life skill needed to succeed in college and beyond. Listen in as Jessica Lahey explains on the newest podcast. Subscribe to the Way of Champions Podcast on iTunes Show Notes 7:10 Education is not about attendance and tests, are we missing the best moments for teaching? 14:25 When we are highly directive with kids, they don’t become frustrated. Kids who can’t be frustrated cannot benefit from formative assessment and desirable difficulties 20:55 We remove self-directed executive function and children need this to develop, incredibly important in high school and college 56:25 Caroline Gleich’s Journey to Ski the “Shooting Gallery” About Jessica Lahey Jessica Lahey is a teacher, writer, and mom. She writes about education, parenting, and child welfare for The Atlantic, Vermont Public Radio, and the New York Times and is the author of the New York Timesbestselling book, The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed. She is a member of the Amazon Studios Thought Leader Board and wrote the educational curriculum for Amazon Kids’ The Stinky and Dirty Show. Jessica earned a B.A. in Comparative Literature from the University of Massachusetts and a J.D. with a concentration in juvenile and education law from the University of North Carolina School of Law. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two sons and teaches high school English and writing in Vermont. Get in Touch Website: JessicaLahey.com Twitter: @JessLahey Instagram: @TeacherLahey Youtube: Search “Gift of Failure FAQ’s” Become a Transformational Coach Today - Join Us at Way of Champions 2018 Take your Coaching to the Next Level with Transformational Coaching If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message! Hosted by John O'Sullivan. Produced by Coach Reed Maltbie