#25 Dr. Richard Bailey, Head of Research at ICSSPE, What we need to make coaching a true profession

Is the way we coach based upon the latest science, research, and best practices of how children learn? Or is it based upon how we were coached growing up? In this fantastic interview, Dr. Richard Bailey, Head of Research at ICSSPE, separates fact from fiction and discusses some of the common mistakes that he sees coaches of all levels making around the world. He sheds light on what is missing in the coaching profession and the prevailing myths that cause us to approach athletic coaching in the wrong way. He talks about the need for coaching to rely on real science more than it currently does, the fallacy of coach training at the macro level, and what it would take to become a more professional field. He also digs into his research about the dangers of overpraised athletes and the big difference between leaning and training. Hint: it is not about drilling skills, it is about presenting problems. Tune in to hear this smart, humorous, and hard hitting conversation with one of sport’s foremost experts. Bio Richard Bailey, the Head of Research at the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, is a former teacher in Primary and Secondary Schools, teacher trainer, coach and coach educator. He has been a full Professor at Canterbury, Roehampton, Birmingham and Liverpool in the UK and has directed studies that have influenced policy and practice both nationally and internationally. In addition to his position as Writer in Residence at the ICSSPE Executive Office he is an author and blogger. Richard has undertaken funded research in every continent of the world. He has worked with UNESCO as Expert Adviser for Physical Education, the World Health Organization, the European Union, and many similar agencies. He has carried out research on behalf of the English and Scottish governments, numerous educational and sports agencies. He was a contributing consultant for both Nike-led Designed to Move and Active Kids Do Better initiatives, and has directed numerous scientific reviews, including the most comprehensive review ever published on the benefits of physical education and sport (BERA, 2007‐2008), the UK’s independent review of player development in sport (sportscoach, 2008‐2009), and the IOC-funded study of the contribution made by Sport in Education (IOC, 2004). Subscribe to the Way of Champions Podcast on iTunes Show Notes 5:15 Dr. Bailey’s research in sport and it’s impact 7:30 There are no good reasons for why we do what we do (inertia is powerful but dangerous) 10:45 Nursing magazines are full of information about science, but coaching magazines are full of ads for equipment 17:45 The coach is vital to all the benefits we prescribe to sports, so we need to prepare the coaches 23:00 Children are NOT mini adults 33:00 Is the 10,000 Hour a myth or science? 37:45 Early childhood performance as an indicator of future success? 41:45 The need for a crystallizing experience in sports for athletes to remain long term 46:00 Physique and size is a ridiculous reason for throwing children out of a sport system 47:30 The need to differentiate between practice and learning 54:00 How drills in rugby break the rules and break the strategy 56:15 Don’t ever criticize people, because they’ll crumble 1:04:00 What should be in a Coaching 101 course? 1:08:00 Finding Dr. Bailey  Get in Touch Twitter: @DrDickB Facebook: Coaching Science Website: www.ICSSPE.org If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message!

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