WOC #21 Nate Sanderson, Two-Time Iowa HS State Basketball Champion Coach, on the Art of Engaging Parents in a Championship Culture
If an athlete’s inner dialogue is made up of the voices they hear most often and most intensely in their daily lives, what are we as parents and coaches saying that can form a champion’s mind? Join us as we talk to Two-time Iowa High School State Basketball Championship winning coach, Nate Sanderson, to discuss how better engagement with parents leads to on court success and off course success for players. He will share how he engages the parents, how important it is to implant a championship dialogue in players, and how the power of positivity won a State Championship. Bio In the summer of 2017, Nate became the varsity girls basketball coach at Linn-Mar High School in Marion, Iowa. Prior to that he built one of the top basketball programs in the state at Springville High School. During his tenure at Springville his teams had a record of 112-59 (.665) including 74-7 during his last three seasons. Springville won back-to-back state titles in 2016 a 2017 and was state runner-up in 2015. Nate is also the Director of Product Development at Breakthrough Basketball. Sanderson has received numerous regional and statewide coaching awards. His program has been recognized by Character Counts of Iowa for their commitment to community service and character development. In his seven years at Springville, his basketball program has raised over $30,000 for various local and international charities. Nate is a frequent speaker at coaching clinics around the country specializing in building championship culture, leadership development, and using a games-based approach to practice. His mission is to challenge athletes and coaches alike to create an experience for young people that is deeply meaningful beyond the game. Nate graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Social Studies Education. He was a high school social studies teacher before joining Breakthrough Basketball. Nate has a masters degree from Gonzaga University in Organizational Leadership. His research emphasis was on the application of servant leadership to sports – a philosophy that forms the foundation of his approach to coaching. He has been married for 12 years and two young daughters. With the help of his basketball team, he built a wiffle ball field in his yard where the host tournaments for charity. Subscribe to the Way of Champions Podcast on iTunes Show Notes 5:30 How Nate got into coaching 12:45 When something came easy for you, it is sometimes tough to teach it those who don’t get it 23:45 Culture always exists and we must be intentional in shaping it properly 34:15 How Nate engages parents to be contributors to the culture 44:15 How the parents created the greatest post-game reception ever 58:15 If your voice is implanted in the mind of a player, what do you want them to hear? Get in Touch Twitter: @SpringvilleGBB Websites: Breakthrough Basketball Working with Parents: Coaches, It's Time to Stop Dealing with Parents Breakthrough Basketball “Positivity”: Video Link If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message!