#18 Ryan Holiday, Best Selling Author, The Obtsacle is the Way, Ego is the Enemy, and the value of philosophy in sports

Ryan Holiday is a strategist, speaker, and best-selling author. He dropped out of college at nineteen to apprentice under Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, and later served as the director of marketing for American Apparel. His company, Brass Check, has advised clients like Google, TASER, and Complex, as well as many prominent bestselling authors. Holiday has written five books including Ego is the Enemy, The Obstacle is the Way, and Trust Me I’m Lying. His most recent, The Obstacle Is the Way, has been translated into seventeen languages and has a cult following among NFL coaches, world-class athletes, TV personalities, political leaders, and others around the world. He lives on a small ranch outside Austin, Texas. Subscribe to the Way of Champions Podcast on iTunes Show Notes 6:15 What inspired Ryan to write The Obstacle is the Way? 10:45 Do we incorrectly define adversity in the US? 17:45 Athletes naturally face adversity, Coaches don’t need to create it 21:45 Your job is to keep athletes on the path when they face obstacles 29:45 Perception, Action, and Will to deal with obstacles in your path 34:45 Ryan’s two tattoos - both are his truisms 40:45 What’s the most dangerous lesson you can learn? 44:45 Ryan’s final thoughts and advice Finding Ryan Website - RyanHoliday.net Twitter - @RyanHoliay His Books on Amazon - Ryan on Amazon If you are enjoying our podcast, please help us out and leave a review on iTunes. How to leave an iTunes rating or review for a podcast from your iPhone or iPad Launch Apple’s Podcast app. Tap the Search tab. Enter the name Way of Champions. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right. Tap the album art for the Way of Champions podcast. Tap the Reviews tab. Tap Write a Review at the bottom. Thanks so much, every review helps us to spread this message!

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