Lifestyle based medicine with Dr. Èvelyne Bourdua-Roy - Episode 24
[[UPDATE Sept 10th, 2019]]
The English language edition of Eat Fat to Lose Weight is available for pre-order now!
Dr. Bourdua-Roy has also launched an English language website for folks who don’t require medical supervision but would like some help with fasting, keto, and LCHF. Learn more at Ceto Solutions.
Dr. Bourdua-Roy is a family medicine doctor in Quebec. She has a special interest in reversing chronic health problems related to lifestyles, including type 2 diabetes and obesity, with therapeutic nutrition and other lifestyle measures.
She is the author of the book Eat Fat to Lose Weight (French Edition) and founded the LCHF clinic Clinique Reversa. You can find her on Twitter @CliniqueReversa.