Episode 74: James Mckinlay
James has an 18-year career in IT, with eight years in roles within financial services. Using his specialist knowledge he is able to produce working information security policies and procedures from international standards and frameworks such as CIS, NIST, NSA-IA, AusDSD and NESA-IAS. As a proponent for educating staff in appropriate ways depending on their level and position, he advocates a culture of all working together to help make an organisation safe. Jame's LinkedIn profile can be found by clicking the link here. To see the Whizkids click the link here. RiskyBusiness Episode 471 can be heard by clicking the link here. Incident Prevention and Incident Response Slideshow can be viewed here by clicking the link here. The Cuckoo's Egg (Cliff Stoll) The Phoenix Project Don't forget, to get in touch with me either try the contact page of the site or follow me on Twitter, where I can be found at @Jenny_Radcliffe