WCI #5: Paying Down Student Loans Versus Investing
Paying Down Student Loans Versus Investing -- What Should You Do?
Ahhhhh….you’ve finally made it. 4 years in college, 4 years in medical school, 3-5 more in residency, and 1-3 more in fellowship and you’re finally making the big bucks. You’ve just started getting your first 5 figure paychecks and you feel like you have some money that you don’t need to spend on this month’s necessities. You’ve got a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of student loans hanging over your head, a big mortgage, and even a little bit of credit card debt. But you’re also looking at a huge tax bill, and besides, you don’t want to work forever, so you’ve been studying up on 401Ks and IRAs. How do you decide when to pay down loans and when to invest? Dr. Dahle will walk you through all the factors that go into this decision and give you some recommendations and a list of financial priorities. He also answers readers' questions about tax loss harvesting and emergency funds.
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The White Coat Investor has been helping doctors with their money since 2011. Our free financial planning resource covers a variety of topics from doctor mortgage loans and refinancing medical school loans to physician disability insurance and malpractice insurance. Learn about loan refinancing or consolidation, explore new investment strategies, and discover loan programs specifically aimed at helping doctors. If you're a high-income professional and ready to get a "fair shake" on Wall Street, The White Coat Investor is for you!
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