4: Kit Room Ep 4 - The Shirt Man
Tobys Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheShirtMan_ Tobys CFS Discount Code - https://www.classicfootballshirts.co.uk/?ref=tobyfreestone Kitted Out Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kittedoutpod/ Kitted Out Twitter - https://twitter.com/KittedOutPod Hello and welcome to the third episode of Kitted Outs Kit Room! A series where we take a look into other collectors kits and discuss whatever there is to talk about. This episode I was delighted to be joined byToby Freestone, also known as The Shirt Man on twitter, a lockdown newbie to the world of football shirt twitter but boasts quite the wonderful collection. With a Classic Football Shirts discount and other partnerships being made, this will certainly not be the last we hear of Toby and his collection so drop him a follow as he certainly has a shirt future ahead of him! Let me know who you want me to talk to get on next and take a peek at their collection! A big thank you to my guest for joining me today, it was an absolute pleasure to talk kits with you and I hope to get the opportunity to do so again soon! Each episode of Kit Room is available on Kitted Outs podcast platforms. The link can be found here - https://audioboom.com/dashboard/4999918