Ben Greenfield: Biohacking the Ultimate Home #15
Is your home eco-safe? Meaning does it support your health and healing? It’s supposed to right? It’s intended to be the place you go to rest, seek shelter, and regenerate from the stress of daily life right? Well, what if your home is making you weaker? If so, how can you make it supportive to life, rather than destructive? The trick is to simulate nature inside your home, using technology. You’re about to find out how.
In this episode, I talk to fitness expert and biohacking extremist (like myself) Ben Greenfield. Ben has taken his Spokane, Washington home, and turned it into the ultimate nest of health and well-being.
I grill Ben on every minute detail of his home hacking project, whether it be the water, air, or EMF mitigation. If you want to learn how to make your home into a healing center, this episode is for you.
In addition to the house hacking theme, Ben also drops major knowledge bombs on tons of health and fitness related topics. So even if you think you’ve got your crib dialed, you’re absolutely going to want to give it a thorough listen if you’re into optimizing your own human meat suit.
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Heres to YOU!