Tej Khalsa: Kundalini Yoga - God's Technology #12
Do you think yoga is just a form of exercise? A way to get more flexible so that you can show off your awesome pretzel poses on Instagram and win the approval of your peers or potential mate? What if that’s not the point of yoga at all? What if yoga is in actuality a powerful tool for spiritual enlightenment- a way to escape the limiting clutches of our human ego? How can chanting mantras, breathing in strange patterns, and moving your body in various geometric shapes change your consciousness? Is this a bunch of woo-woo, new age bollocks or can yoga put us in touch with who and what we truly are, beyond our basic instinctual drives, and limited intellect? Can we tap into the infinitely vast power and intelligence of creation to help us with our day to day life lessons here on the human level?
The answer, fortunately, is affirmative. Based on my subjective experience with Kundalini Yoga over the past five years, I’m happy to report that my mind, body, and spirit have been (and continue to be) enriched far beyond anything I have experienced in over 15 years of various forms of yoga practice, from LA to India. In this exclusive interview with my teacher Tej Kaur Khalsa, we take an in-depth look at this ancient spiritual technology with one of the world's foremost experts on- and devotees of- this wonderfully powerful tool of transformation.
This episode was one of the most meaningful to me personally, and I trust that it will deliver the same joy and insight to you, the listener.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me, and please do someone you love a favor by sharing it with them.
Blessings to you and yours,