THC Podcast 008: Five Habits And Routines I Started While In Prison That Help Me Crush It Today In Business
You know what time it is!!! Welcome to episode 8 of the most in your face and raw to the core sales podcast in the world “The Hardcore Closer Podcast” hosted by none other then Mr. Ryan Stewman, the founder and CEO of If you have been following any of Ryan’s content or better yet read his book “The Hardcore Closer” (which you can get a digital copy 100% FREE by reviewing the podcast on iTunes here, and tweeting Ryan here letting him know you reviewed and he will DM you a FREE digital copy) you know that he is 100% authentic when it comes to discussing his past run ins with the law and extended stints in multiple prisons. In a world that is filled with people “faking the funk” and trying to be someone or something they are not it is refreshing to hear someone like Ryan’s story and see how some of the lessons learned and habits formed have helped him build his multimillion dollar empire from scratch. In this episode Ryan discusses… 5 Habits And Routines I Formed In Prison That Help Me Crush It In Business Today The good news for you is you do not have to go on an “Up North Trip” to learn and implement these 5 habits that helped Ryan explode his business. All you have to do is just have to listen to this podcast and then go out and take action like a bat of hell. Not only do these habits and routines help you crush jail time but more importantly crush it in business and sales. (Note:Claim Your FREE Clyxo Profile NOW Sign Up For FREE Here.) Get Hooked Up Make sure you review and subscribe to the podcast and get each new episode hand delivered as soon as it is live. Review a Subscribe Here If you have not already sign-up for FREE sales training delivered multiple times a week. Head over to the Get Connected With Ryan Stewman. Links/Resources From This Episode Sales Talk With Sales Pro's FREE Facebook Group