#26 A homeless mom buys a home, the best tips for newbies, 1,000 success stories a private label success in 15 seconds! The Best of 2016!

This episode is a short discussion of 16 of the top moments from our Facebook group in 2016! A link to each of the 16 topics is below for your easy reference (you'll need to join our free facebook group in order to access these links - click any link below to request free access to the group!) The below notes each have a link to the corresponding discussion mentioned in today's show. Join the discussion on any topic! 1) She announced in 2015 that she would build her Amazon biz and get her first home in 2016- and did it…after being homeless!http://jimc.biz/2iyqGcg 2) Our own Michael Brown of Death Wish coffee won a paid in full SUPER BOWL AD yesterday thanks in no small part to the votes of the MySilentTeam Facebook community! Full story at PickMikeBrown.comhttp://jimc.biz/2iC4Ged 3) If a disabled single mom with $200 and some junk in the garage can do this, so can you!! Lisa has kept us up to date this year on “her story” It’s worth the read….all 5 “Chapters” part 1 – Jan 2016 https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/897837733665671/ part 2 – March 2016https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/915087628607348/ part 3 – August 2016https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/1017611385021638/ part 4 – September 2016https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/1057779124338197/ Part 5 – December 2016https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/1168528396596602/ 4) A friend in the UK shares how he finds stuff to sell online for nice profits:http://jimc.biz/2j35jwy 5) A member thanks the MST community and shares what they were able to do for Christmas because of the biz strategies they learned here:http://jimc.biz/2hOP9FY 6) He is my heart, my purpose, my motivation, 16 years old, autistic, non verbal. I need to leave him a large trust fund.”http://jimc.biz/2j3fzEY 7) How I do my wholesale planning – Everything I plan to buy from a supplier I map it out into a spreadsheet like this so I know what to expect after the product has been ordered.http://jimc.biz/2j3fH7q 8) I just bought $500+ worth of stuff that will easily flip to $1000 net within a couple months. This happened about an hour ago. For those who say RA is hard, I gotta ask… Compared to what?http://jimc.biz/2iCghKu 9)This simple report can be pulled down in a matter of seconds from Amazon and you can know what the “MOST VIEWED” items are among the hundreds or even thousands of items you’ve sold on Amazon.http://jimc.biz/2i93zBK 10) Silent Sales Machine Radio podcast launched in 2016! Jim was asked to be the first ever keynote speaker at ASD in 2016. We recorded it and made it the opening episode of our new podcast at SilentJim.com. The show passed the 100K download mark in just over 6 weeks!http://jimc.biz/2i8WhhE 11) Would you like to be set for life with a business model that will ALWAYS be vital, scalable and profitable? It’s this simple: Find products that become more valuable by merely moving them from a place of slow movement and low value to a different location where they are more highly valued and/or moving more quickly.http://jimc.biz/2hPUfH6 12) Popular discussion about opening a wholesale account:http://jimc.biz/2j34B2j 13) The best 15 second “Amazon private label” advice ANYONE has EVER given you in three steps:http://jimc.biz/2hOExXG 14) A discussion about our coaching program. “I am considering using Jim Cockrum’s coaching program. If anyone has or is using this program, would you tell me of your experience with it?”http://jimc.biz/2j3eeyb(also listen to podcast episode #13 to help decide if you need coaching) 15) The best advice I would give to someone starting to explore earning income online is (great community participation on this one!):http://jimc.biz/2hR54H8 16) An email we received after one member noticed another member in need of a boost:“I am not rolling in cash but I feel moved to offer to buy the PAC for ***** please – and my only request is that they Pay it forward sometime in the future – i do not want them to know who I am.”http://jimc.biz/2hR6xNz UPDATE: The “stranger/student” WENT TO WORK and then WENT PUBLIC as he posted his results! He’s doing great (proof below) a we invited the “giver” to attend our live 2016 CES event free. She came! All the way from Ireland!http://jimc.biz/2hOQ9df

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