#17 How to sell more of your product on Amazon - part I of II
DescriptionWhat are the tricks for selling a bulk load of inventory that is moving too slowly on Amazon? I get asked this question a lot - and I always give the same answer. It can be painful to hear, but remember - I only say it because I love you! MySilentTeam Facebook Group 3 minute Facebook marketplace video Amazon report for "sessions":gClick on ReportsgBusiness Reportsg"Detail Page Sales and Traffic"Then sort by sessions to see what's in your inventory. Discuss this report strategy with others here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam/permalink/1081227065326736/ ProvenAmazonCourse.com (the best keyword training in the world for Amazon is the PPI module in this course) JimCockrumCoaching.com Need help moving your inventory? Need help getting started? We can help!