12 - $870K in 30 Days: What I Did Right (And Wrong) With My First Launch of 2020

Luke Fontaine and I share what we learned from past launches to make this one a success. Lemme tell you about our LAUNCH, baby! We rocked it OUT! Luke Fontaine, Online Coach University’s COO, and I share the deets about our latest launch in today’s episode of Payday With Rayray. GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode and access to more business tips from Rayray here: https://www.paydaywithrayray.com/episodes/12 Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Luke and I in this episode:  What our LAUNCH looks like behind-the-scenes. What was broken in our past launches and how we fixed it. Why knowing DATA changed the game. The OPPORTUNITES Luke saw when he joined the OCA team. Why OCA Sales Camp was a GREAT idea. Our biggest lessons learned this time around. B.I.G.: What a Stanford professor taught us about sustainable success.

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