9 - The Launch Guide: How I Went From $0 to $500k Launches
I share the steps and mindset for a wildly successful launch. GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode and access to more business tips from Rayray here: https://www.paydaywithrayray.com/episodes/9 Wanna make sure your launch doesn’t flop? Of course you do! Launches are fun and come with a downpour of moola – if you do them right. Listen in to learn how to have a successful launch on today’s episode of Payday With Rayray. Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from me in this episode: What NOT to do prior to launch. How to BUTTER UP your future clients before you sell anything. Why an OBSESSION with PERFECTION will stall your launch. The THREE ways to make your launch flop-proof. The THREE messaging must-dos. Why you need to be a BROKEN RECORD about your launch.