8 - The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster: Dealing with Emotional Breakdowns a Obstacles In Your Journey
I get real about the crazy ride that is entrepreneurship. GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode and access to more business tips from Rayray here: https://www.paydaywithrayray.com/episodes/8 Are you on the entrepreneurial roller coaster – and ready to barf? It seems they forgot to mention the emotional breakdowns and spine-bending curves on this ride. But, in some unexplainable way, you know you’ve gotta do it and it’s the ride for you. Listen in to learn how to enjoy the ride on today’s episode of Payday With Rayray. Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from me in this episode: The common roadblocks my students face. The transformation and evolution necessary for growth. The connection between your business and your internal world. How to overcoming self-sabotage and insecurities. Why you can’t grow your biz while ignoring yourself. How to shift your motivating factor into love instead of fear, shame, or guilt. How to get over the outcome and focus on the journey.