5 - Niching 101: How to Find Your Ideal Client Avatar a Become a Sought-After Expert
I break down why niching is important and how to do it effectively. How are you gonna get paid for what you do if you can’t even describe it? Like, DUH, right? It’s time to clear up your niching debacle once and for all, baby. So, grab your notebook (or Notes app) and get ready for a crash-course in niching on today’s episode of Payday With Rayray. GAIN ACCESS to the full show notes for this episode and access to more business tips from Rayray here: https://www.paydaywithrayray.com/episodes/5 Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from me in this episode: Processes and frameworks for finding your niche. What a niche is and how to know if you have the right one. Why being a “jack of all trades” is NOT a good idea. The difference between a generalist and specialist. How to conduct effective market research.