Learn Hindi On The Go

•World’s number one podcast series with almost 1 million listens worldwide. •This podcast is created by Jaibodh, Shraddha & Ritansh- a family of native Hindi speakers & renowned Hindi teachers. •Learn Hindi bit by bit by following the podcast series. •Learn to listen & respond to native Hindi speakers – by participating in interactive quizzes, role-plays & oral drills. •The content is well-organized, scientific, easy to follow & will gradually take you to a higher level. •Based on the world's best books for learning Hindi, written by Jaibodh, a Hindi teacher with more than four decades of experience in teaching and writing books on learning Hindi. •Separate Courses for learners of different levels, supported by worksheets, which can be downloaded after becoming Patron from https://www.patreon.com/learnhindionthego •Join our Hindi Leaners’ community & give feedbacks & suggest songs/topics for podcasts -link: www.facebook.com/groups/learnhindionthegocommunity/ •To take a free trial for online Hindi lessons visit: https://learnhindischool.com

by Jaibodh Pandey , Shraddha Pandey & Ritansh - 295 episodes

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