PPG Grandpa’s Paramotor Podcast

Paramotor Podcast for Newbies, Advanced and Instructors..We bring you fresh new pilots, seasoned pilots, importers, distributors and advanced pilots to talk about paramotors and interesting things about ultralight flying.. listen now...its free. Learn to fly at www.ParamotorArkansas.com and disabled vets get to fly at www.RunIntoTheSky.org Who is PPG Grandpa? His name is Sean Symons from Conway Arkansas. He runs a paramotor flight school called Paramotor Arkansas. Sean was in the USMC and is a disabled vet which is why he and his friends started up the non profit org to help vets get into the sky and get quality gear after training. Find Sean Symons on FB at www.FB.me/ShawnFitness #paramotor #RunIntoTheSky #podcast

by PPGgrandpa - 241 episodes

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