Space POD (Space Technologies and Exploration)

Hello my dear listeners, welcome to my new podcast channel. In the following episodes, I will talk about "All Things Space!". I will work on discussing and talking about Satellite Technology, Orbitals, Space Travel(Interplanetary, Interstellar, Intergalactic), and Human Spaceflight. I will also cover my opinions, solutions, and ideas in the podcasts too. Please stay tuned as I will upload podcasts every week. If you like my podcasts do consider sharing with other people too. Space is very important to us as Former NASA administrator Mike Griffin said: "If Dinosaurs had a space program, they would never be extinct" Let's keep space as a heritage and continue to keep pushing our boundaries and thinking beyond what we can imagine in space. These podcasts are made about such topics to discuss and promote more of it. Until next time, I am Venkat Raman Patnaik Signing Off! #satellites #colocation #debris #coordination #constellation #sattelliteoperations #spacescience #spacetech #orbits #geo #spacepod #VenkatRamanPatnaik #marscolonisation #mars #SpaceTechnology #SpaceExploration #telecommunication #Simulations #FlightDynamics #Avionics #Rocketry #SpaceSuit #Telemetry #HumanSpaceFlight #ReusableRocket #ReusableLaunchVehicle #NASA #SpaceEducatio #ISRO

by Venkat Raman Patnaik - 22 episodes

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